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Top >katana >2210-1052


Detailed description of the katana [nyudo kiju] [tsutsui kiju] (tsutsui norimitsu) (Wazamono)


Picture of Japanese name
NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon
in shirasaya with koshirae
Blade length(HA-CHOU)68.1cm (2Syaku2Sun 4BuHan)
Width at the hamachi(MOTO-HABA)3.22cm
Thickness at the Moto Kasane0.75cm
Thickness at the Shinogi0.75cm
Width at the kissaki (SAKI_HABA)2.35cm
Thickness at the Saki kasane0.55cm
NakagoUbu (send some wards)
EngravingHeadTail Bar Gutter
Country(KUNI)・Period(JIDAI)yamato : The middle of Edo era. GENROKU (1688 -1704)
Registration Ehime No.1164 March 6, 1951
Certificate Public interest NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon June 13, 2018

List of Wazamono.
※Please refer.



刀 入道紀充(筒井紀充) (業物) Picture of Certificate
刀 入道紀充(筒井紀充) (業物)Picture of whole
刀 入道紀充(筒井紀充) (業物) Picture of parts



Conventional business results country