Top >yari >1610-4033


Detailed description of the jumonji yari [banshu tegarayama ujishige] (2 generations) (sinsintou jou-saku)(Father of tegarayama masashige)


Picture of Japanese name
NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon
in shirasaya
Blade length(HA-CHOU)18.0 cm (6 SunJyaku)
Nakago length42.7cm
Width at the hamachi(MOTO-HABA)1.66cm
Country(KUNI)・Period(JIDAI)harima : The Edo era latter period. MEIWA (1764-1772),
Registration Tokyo No.73348 5/17/1956
Certificate NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon 2/4/2016




播州手柄山氏繁(二代) Picture of Certificate
播州手柄山氏繁(二代)Picture of whole
播州手柄山氏繁(二代) Picture of parts



Conventional business results country