Top >withkoshirae >1610-1050
Top >katana >1610-1050


Detailed description of the katana [banshu tegarayama no fumoto fujiwara ujishige seitan saku] (2 generations)(sinsintou jou-saku) (Father of tegarayama masashige)


Picture of Japanese name
NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon
in shirasaya with koshirae
Blade length(HA-CHOU)70.5 cm (2 Syaku 3 Sun 3 BuJyaku)
Width at the hamachi(MOTO-HABA)3.17cm
Thickness at the Moto Kasane0.81cm
Thickness at the Shinogi0.84cm
Width at the kissaki (SAKI_HABA)2.20cm
Thickness at the Saki kasane0.61cm
EngravingHeadTail stick gutter
Country(KUNI)・Period(JIDAI)harima : The Edo era latter period. MEIWA (1764-1772)
Registration hyogo 03/09/1956
Certificate NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon 26/03/2015

※The saya of this kosirae is a modern product.



播州手柄山麗藤原氏繁精鍛作(二代) Picture of Certificate
播州手柄山麗藤原氏繁精鍛作(二代)Picture of whole
播州手柄山麗藤原氏繁精鍛作(二代) Picture of parts



Conventional business results country