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Detailed description of the katana [bushidou higo_koku yatsushiro_ju akamatsutarou kaneyuki] (shinsakutou new sword)


Picture of Japanese name
for iai and tameshigiri
in koshirae
Blade length(HA-CHOU)74.2 cm (2 Syaku 4 Sun 5 BuJyaku)
Width at the hamachi(MOTO-HABA)3.29cm
Thickness at the Moto Kasane0.65cm
Thickness at the Shinogi0.67cm
Width at the kissaki (SAKI_HABA)2.40cm
Thickness at the Saki kasane0.42cm
EngravingHeadTail stick gutter
Sword blade weight(Only blade)690g
Sword blade weight(Took off a SAYA)995g
Country(KUNI)・Period(JIDAI)kumamoto : Modern product. HEISEI 27 (2015)
Registration kumamoto 17/09/2015
Certificate -

※This kosirae is a modern product.



武士道 肥後國八代住赤松太郎兼幸作 Picture of Certificate
武士道 肥後國八代住赤松太郎兼幸作Picture of whole
武士道 肥後國八代住赤松太郎兼幸作 Picture of parts



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